What is this boy up to now..

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    Thursday, January 29, 2009

    My Holiday Activities

    8.00 am : Bangun , mandi , 
    8.30 am: Breakfast with dad's cooking AND  HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!
    9.00 am : bukak pc yg noob gler main game .. game ape? 
    Game ni
    12.00am: Lunch sorang sorang(x de orang kat rumah weyh!)
    1.00am : Sambung balik main game (hohoho)
    7.00am: Dinner

    lol mase cuti ni banyak main game x de keje tol. homework still x siap lagi omg someone help me.

    Saturday, January 10, 2009

    The Word Love

    I think the word love is unversal it can be used on many things like a mother 's love for her child , a boy's love for his girl . but recently on the news i seen many people at palestine been killed mercilessly . and i been thinking where is the love  for them and whats wrong with the ppl who killed them ? dont they have some love inside them? whatever it is , its up to you to defined whats is the meaning of love ..


    Does love look like this or what? 

    Friday, January 2, 2009

    Situasi Pelik

    Hari Isnin hari tu dah usya klas dapat klas 3 Inovatif , Pergh Bengang gler away ngan kawan kawan.
    Pastu hari ini chepul pegi skola check klas pastu die ckp aku klas 3Bina so happy la kan klas dpan. hoho. Pastu affan lak call ckp aku klas 3Kreatif . So, aku pun dah pening la mane satu klas aku kan. aku pun gi la skola usya usya kat klas 3b mmg ade name aku pastu usya usya kat 3k nama aku pun ade . pergh gler kentang! pastu gi la pejabat tanye orang kat situ . die ckp x tahu. pastu tanye kerani kat situ die ckp jangan risau kalau camtu mungkin bole pilih kowt. aku pun terfikir aku nk klas mane yek? kalo klas b senang belajar, ade gak kawan skit tapi best, manakala klas k lak banyak kawan but suasana pembelajaran x tahu lagi la kan. korang tahu kan kalo klas blakang blakang camne nk blaja.
    harap harap dapat klas bina bole kacau orang tu hehehe.

    Thursday, January 1, 2009

    Bye Bye 2008, Hello 2009!

    Last night the year 2008 has left us for forever and i think there so much good and bad things happened on that year. I hope the year 2009 will be a better year for all of us since we are taking our pmr examination .